Our blog, The Reef, is a gathering place for the business-minded. It's where we post digital marketing tips, news, and advice. We post articles written by the Octopus crew alongside interesting things we find floating around the 'net. We also share useful stuff on our social media channels—check those out, too:

What the GoDaddy Security Breach Means for Your Digital Privacy

Last month, it was announced that there had been a GoDaddy security breach. A hack of a large corporation’s servers can leave us feeling vulnerable and at risk of having our online accounts hacked, personal information stolen, financial accounts compromised accessed, and identities stolen. We wanted to use the…

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4 Hidden Treasures Uncovered by Using Authentic Photography

Throughout your time spent checking social media, there’s a constant wave of photos, videos, gifs, and content that is always calling your attention. To get a better idea of what the word content encompasses and how it can benefit your local business check out our…

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Another Step Forward for Mobile Marketing SEO

In a world that is always moving, and continuously pushing the innovation envelope, it’s not surprising to discover that people are becoming increasingly dependent on mobile devices. The mobile device has integrated itself into society quickly, without falter, and with incredible benefits to both the…

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Five Tips to Make Digital Marketing Work for Your Business

It’s the age of the internet; there’s no doubt about that. Cisco estimates that by 2020 there will be 50 billion internet connected devices in the world. Yep, you read that right. That’s nearly 7 internet connected devices for every single person on the planet…

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Social Media Rallies to Support the Fort

When the fire struck Fort McMurray on Tuesday, May 3, it was as if hell was at the doorstep of the city. Reports were coming in of 60,000 people being forced to evacuate, and then 80,000, finally ending closer to 90,000. Entire communities forced to…

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Want to be an Entrepreneur?  Quit Your Day Job and Gear-Up!

Has any entrepreneur ever had it easy? Where everything goes exactly as planned?  If our team were answering that question we would all be simultaneously shouting out a big “hell no!” As much as we’re all thrilled to have finally launched Octopus Creative, it has…

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