Sep 12, 2018
Brand Out & Stand Out: Top 4 Benefits of Strong Branding
Is your company lacking the adequate branding it needs? Without those crucial elements, your company might as well be a boat without an oar.
While you’ve thought of a clever business name, a colour palette, and a logo, that proves to be not enough. These days, people want to be intrigued and wowed by brands. They’re no longer buying products that speak for themselves– they want to buy into brands that are authentic and compelling.
A few terms to keep in mind when developing your brand further is quality, credibility, and experience. Think of these keywords as the secret ingredients to your fantastic recipe for creating a brand.
Still not convinced on why branding is important? Allow us to explain the benefits of branding so you can see why it’s vital.
Here we go!
Be the Big Fish in a Little Pond
Rather than be the small fish swimming about in a big pond, strong branding can make you the opposite. To be the big fish, you need to hone in on what makes you stand out in a crowded market.
Whichever industry you’re in, differentiating yourself from your competitors is a must. You and the competition probably have similar products or services but it comes down to your branding in order to make people choose you.
Sure, you can go out and purchase a premade logo for a cheap price. However, you need to have more than that.
Set yourself up for success by thinking beyond a logo. Good branding is more than “nice colours” that you may like slapped together. It’s more than just ordering clip art to be used as a logo.
Think of the reasons you got into business. Was it to empower the local economy and create jobs? How about selling a product so you can donate to local organizations?
Pinpoint what makes your business unique by digging deeper. Good brands have clear purposes, remember that.
It’s All About the Money, Money, Money
Obviously, that’s not how that song goes. But let’s be real here: you didn’t create a business to not make money.
When your branding game is strong, that means you can actually charge what you’re worth. Especially when you’re just starting out, finding those customers or clients can be a struggle. No one knows who you are yet so you think it’s a good idea to undersell yourself.
Wrong. So wrong, in fact.
You can’t build a sustainable business if you’re cutting prices all the time just to gain sales.
Solidify your branding first before you launch. That way, you can dazzle those who see you for the first time. They’ll have no choice other than to get on board with your company 😉
If you didn’t get the chance to perfect your brand before you launched, it’s not too late. Revamp it to where you can start charging the proper price of your products or services.
Customer Loyalty Is the Name of the Game
Customers are the heart of every business. They’re the reason other people hear of your company. When they spread the word, it spreads like wildfire. Why?
Because when your friend tells you of a new product or service, you believe them when what they have to say is positive, right? Your friend hasn’t steered you wrong yet, so you trust their recommendation.
People want to connect with brands who also share the same values as them. If you give donations to cancer research, that may be enough for someone to do business with you, especially if they know of someone with the disease.
Not only do the values you abide by win you customers, but the promises you deliver on ensure you of their return. If you promise a new product launch at the end of the month, you best follow up on it.
If you don’t, it’ll be hard to win their trust back. Not to mention they’ll be less interested in another product launch for fear it won’t be delivered when promised.
Keeping your company values and promises in check will be sure to win you more customers. And when more customers have trust in your company, the more referrals you’ll receive.
Having a Solid Brand Means You Won’t Regret it Later
We’ve all been through these days where we can’t seem to make up our minds. One morning we want coffee, the next we’re craving tea. There’s no consistency.
With a brand, you need to be consistent. In order to do that, you need to be content with your branding. That means loving the colour palette, the logo, and the vibes you put out.
If you went for the cheapest options possible when first building your brand, chances are you won’t be happy in the long run. Once you start making money, you’ll see that you want to hire a graphic designer to make you a killer logo. That means you’ll be changing your logo which means that’ll confuse your customers.
If you would’ve set a good foundation in the first place, you wouldn’t have to change anything within a year or two of being operational. That’s why it’s crucial you take your time to build a brand so that way, you can keep it intact for years to come.
That not only saves you time but money as well.
The Benefits of Branding are Hard to Ignore
Whether you spent days or years developing your business, branding is where it’s at. These days, markets are oversaturated so that’s why it’s more important than ever that you stand out like a starfish in a sea full of barnacles.
It’s the key to standing out and gaining more revenue. After all, who couldn’t benefit from an extra doubloon or two?
Ready to take the plunge? Get in touch with us today and see how we can help set you up for success with expert branding services!