The gathering place for the business-minded. It's where we'll be posting articles by the crew, alongside interesting things we find floating around the 'net. We also like to post stuff to our social media channels, so check those out too:

The Psychology of Colour: Seas The Right Shade For Your Brand

There’s an ancient maritime saying that goes, “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.” Knot to be ignored, before setting sail, check out a few of these lesser-known colourful quotes warning of the possibility of foul weather found on the horizon: Evening red…

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Email Design Trends for 2019

Extra! Extra! Email campaigns remain the marketing tool with the highest return on investment. But their graphic design, form, and content are changing with the digital landscape and the market. Updating your email marketing strategy for 2019 can keep you relevant and your customers engaged….

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Clever Business Cards: Top 12 Best, Most Creative Designs Ever Created

Even though it seems today’s technology has taken over when it comes to connecting with consumers, don’t jump ship when it comes to the use of business cards. According to recent statistics, 72% of potential customers will judge a company by the quality of their business…

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Top Website Design Trends of 2019

We’re stepping into a fresh new year! Believe it or not (we choose not to!) we’re nearly two decades into the 2000s. We’ve seen some incredible changes in the digital space over these last 20 years. In particular web design has gone through some radical…

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Rebranding Lowdown: Uncovering Your Brand

No one ever said that rebranding was easy. In fact, your first rebranding might also be the first time anyone’s put any serious thought into your brand. The initial brand for almost any company is something meaningful or amusing to the founders during the wild…

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Octopuses 101: How to Create a Brand(able) Persona

When we think about what it means to be a brand, or heck what is a brand altogether, a lot of things start to pop into our heads. There are buyer personas to build, social media strategies to brainstorm, channel strategies to implement and a…

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Brand Out & Stand Out: Top 4 Benefits of Strong Branding

Is your company lacking the adequate branding it needs? Without those crucial elements, your company might as well be a boat without an oar. While you’ve thought of a clever business name, a colour palette, and a logo, that proves to be not enough. These…

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Brand Aid: 10 Reasons You Need a Strong Brand Identity

It’s an old concept but marketers still rely on the Rule of Seven. The idea is simple. A prospective client must see your brand at least seven times before they will remember you. While people may argue about the exact number, the message is clear….

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Branding Strategy 101: How to Effectively Brand Anything

According to a recent survey, 8 out of 10 Canadians belong to a brand’s loyalty program. A proper branding strategy is one of the most important assets to have — from a non-profit to products, to businesses, to people. It can literally make or break…

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Personal Branding vs. Corporate Branding: What’s The Difference?

Chances are if you’re reading this article you already understand the importance of branding. Branding is an integral part of marketing. It works alongside your other marketing efforts to create a vision of what your company’s values embody. Corporate branding and personal branding do however…

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