Feb 12, 2018
How You Can Increase Web Traffic With SEO
There are no secret methods or fancy tricks with SEO. The most effective tips are easy to understand and implement.
If you’d like to maximize your website’s potential, SEO is your key to visibility and success. It takes more than just hard work and effort to increase website traffic. SEO to the rescue.
Rules are forever changing in the competitive world of SEO. To stay ahead of the rest, you’ve got to have a strategy that constantly evolves with those rules.
We’ve put together the best tips for your guaranteed SEO success. Read on to learn more.
Take Advantage of Your Site’s URL
Also called the domain name, a URL is a website’s address. Your URL is an important factor to consider for effective, guaranteed SEO.
URLs can be considered a site’s storefront. It’s usually the first item seen by your visitors, so it’s imperative that it’s clear and impressive. The URL is the first item viewed by search engines when they’re deciding how to rank your site as well.
It’s wise to keep your URL to the point and clean. Leave out anything that makes it confusing, cluttered, or otherwise distracting. This means avoiding special characters, page IDs, dashes, or other similar items.
The best URLs state the name of a business or another descriptive representation of it. You can include relevant keywords if they fit naturally into the URL.
Make Sure Pages Have Titles and Descriptions
So what is a page title and description? These are brief texts that state concisely what a website contains through the use of meta tags. For search engines exploring your site to determine its rank, these are the next items to check after your URL.
Page titles and descriptions will ideally provide condensed explanations of what the site offers and will also include keywords or keyword phrases.
These titles and descriptions will not show on a page. They will, however, be displayed on a page of search results.
This is important because potential visitors see page titles and page descriptions and then use them to decide if they want to visit your site. Make these titles and descriptions work in your favor.
Use Links Thoughtfully
Guaranteed SEO requires good use of links. Links generate traffic, ensure that websites are friendly for web crawlers, and allow visitors to easily navigate your site.
Internal links
Links placed in a website’s content that point visitors to other pages on that site are called internal links. These links make your site easier to navigate so that visitors can find more information.
Internal links also prevent orphan pages. These are dead-end pages with no links. Their presence will hurt your rankings with search engines.
Internal links are made into clickable text. This clickable text is also referred to as anchor text. Its flow should be natural and should include a hyperlink, information relevant to the subject, and keywords.
External links
External links point visitors to other sites containing information that relates to your site’s content.
The anchor text of external links must be used in a way that flows naturally with the rest of your content. The anchor text should also give visitors an idea of where the external link is going to send them.
These links boost SEO because they’re considered by search engines to be third party votes of website popularity.
Use Keywords Correctly
SEO results require good use of keywords. But you can’t just throw them around and expect success. There are a few rules to observe for effective keyword usage.
When people search the web for something, they’ll use a search bar to enter the word or group of words that they feel describes what they’re wanting to know. These words or phrases are known as keywords and keyword phrases in the SEO world.
Your keywords should summarize what your website content is all about.
Keywords Connect
Good SEO is about making sure your chosen keywords and people’s search words are the same. This is what connects you with your target audience.
Guaranteed SEO will involve a lot of keyword consideration, research, evaluation, and adjustment.
To get started, make a master list of the services or products you offer. For each of these, list at least ten keywords or keyword phrases that describe them.
Put keyword research services to work to help you decide which words will be the least difficult and the most popular. These will be the keywords you’ll incorporate into your website content so you’ll have better rankings.
Avoid Keyword “Stuffing”
Don’t “stuff” website content with your keywords. Avoid using them excessively throughout your text.
Don’t use keywords in unnatural ways that flow poorly with your content. Keyword stuffing hurts your rankings with search engines.
Make Your Site Spider, Bot, and Crawler Friendly
A web crawler is a program that a search engine uses to explore sites and gather information. They’re also called bots, spiders, and crawlers. These programs “crawl” through site content, reading it and then sending back their findings to search engines.
Once crawlers have located a site, they will read through the site’s text, links, and source code. They harvest this information so that search engines can then analyze it for website ranking.
Your Site Should Be “Crawlable”
For good search engine rankings, a site has to be “crawlable.” Crawlers have to be able to easily follow links if destination pages are to be included in a search engine’s database.
Make sure the beginning of your pages have quality content. Web crawlers read from the top of a page to the bottom.
Also, crawlers can’t “see” your site’s images. You must use alt text that’s descriptive so crawlers can understand the image’s content. Alternative text, or alt text, is a phrase or word describing the image that’s inserted in HTML code as an attribute.
Be consistent with providing content. Websites should have a lot of quality content for crawlers to report, not just code for these programs to “crawl” through.
Increase Website Traffic with Guaranteed SEO
SEO is a must for better site visibility. The whole purpose of search engines is to scour content to find the sites that deserve top spots in their search results.
To keep your site from getting buried under tons of other results, you need to use great SEO strategies. To find out more about digital marketing and search engine optimization, explore our site or contact us today.